

// Preview: docs
// Menu: Open Project
// Description: Opens a project in vscode
// Shortcut: command shift .
import '@johnlindquist/kit'
import { rmdirSync, existsSync } from 'fs'
const envPath = await env('PROJECT_DIR')
const projectDir = home(envPath)
const isGit = (input: string | Record<string, string>) =>
typeof input == 'string' ? input.includes('') : false
const unfilteredProjectList = await readdir(projectDir)
const projectList = unfilteredProjectList.filter(
(value: string) => !value.includes('.')
let { projects, write } = await db('projects', {
projects: projectList
projects.sort((a: string, b: string) => {
if (a < b) {
return -1
if (a > b) {
return 1
return 0
projects.forEach(async (val: string) => {
if (val.includes('.')) {
await write()
projectList.forEach(async (value: string) => {
if (!projects.includes(value)) {
await write()
async function addExistingF (input: string) {
const pathToFolder = await selectFolder()
const dirname = path.basename(pathToFolder)
const pathToDir = path.resolve(projectDir, dirname)
const dirExists = existsSync(pathToDir)
if (dirExists) {
await write()
await submit('exit')
async function gitCloneRepo (input: string, state: any) {
if (isGit(input)) {
await term({
command: `git clone ${input}`,
cwd: projectDir,
shortcuts: [
name: 'Exit',
key: `${cmd}+w`,
bar: 'right',
onPress: async () => {
await mainScript()
name: 'Back to Main Menu',
key: `${cmd}+enter`,
bar: 'right',
onPress: async () => {
await submit('exit')
} else {
throw new Error('Not a git repository!')
async function removeProjectActionHandler (input: string, state: any) {
let project = state?.focused?.value
rmdirSync(path.resolve(projectDir, project), { recursive: true })
let indexOfProject = projects.indexOf(project)
projects.splice(indexOfProject, 1)
await write()
await submit('exit')
async function purgeFromList (input: string, state: any) {
let project = state?.focused?.value
let indexOfProject = projects.indexOf(project)
projects.splice(indexOfProject, 1)
await write()
await submit('exit')
async function createF (input: string, state: any) {
const dir = path.resolve(projectDir, input)
const exists = await isDir(dir)
if (exists) {
return `${input} already exists`
} else {
const { code, stderr, stdout } = mkdir(dir)
if (stderr) {
throw stderr
const initorNot = await arg('Create git repo?', ['yes', 'no'])
if (initorNot === 'yes') {
execLog('git init')
await write()
edit('', dir)
const specialChoices = [
miss: true,
name: 'Clone Git Repository',
onSubmit: gitCloneRepo
miss: true,
name: 'Add folder to list',
onSubmit: addExistingF
miss: true,
name: 'Create Project folder',
onSubmit: createF
while (true) {
const projList = => project.split('\\').pop())
const previewList = projList.concat(specialChoices)
let project = await arg(
placeholder: 'Projects',
actions: [
{ name: 'Remove Project', onAction: removeProjectActionHandler },
name: 'Remove from List',
onAction: purgeFromList
const isExistingProject =
projects.filter((e: string) => e.includes(project)).length !== 0
if (project !== 'exit') {
if (isExistingProject) {
edit('', path.resolve(projectDir, project))
// Menu: Spongebob Mocking!
// Description: Copy, run and paste!
// Author: Ambushfall
// Shortcut: ctrl shift x
import '@johnlindquist/kit'
const str = await getSelectedText() || await clipboard.readText();
const splitStr = str.split(' ')
var newString = ''
for (let i = 0; i < splitStr.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < splitStr[i].length; j++) {
// get last char index
const lastIndexOfSplit = splitStr[i].length - 1;
// If the index matches the current add space
const addTrailingSpace = j == lastIndexOfSplit ? ' ' : ''
const char = `${splitStr[i][j]}${addTrailingSpace}`
const formatChar = j % 2 == 0 ? char.toLowerCase() : char.toUpperCase()
newString += formatChar;
await clipboard.writeText(newString);

// Preview: docs
// Menu: Open Project
// Description: Opens a project in vscode
// Shortcut: command shift .
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
import * as fs from "fs"
const envPath = await env('PROJECT_DIR');
const projectDir = home(envPath);
const unfilteredProjectList = await readdir(projectDir);
const projectList = unfilteredProjectList.filter(value => !value.includes('.'));
let { projects, write } = await db("projects", {
projects: projectList,
projects.forEach(async val => {
if (val.includes('.')) {
await write()
projectList.forEach(async value => {
if (!projects.includes(value)) {
await write()
onTab("Open", async () => {
let project = await arg("Open project:", => project.split('\\').pop()))
edit('', path.resolve(projectDir, project))
onTab("Add Path", async () => {
while (true) {
let project = await arg(
"Add path to project:",
md( => `* ${project.split('\\').pop()}`).join("\n"))
await write()
onTab("Remove", async () => {
while (true) {
let project = await arg("Open project:", => project.split('\\').pop()))
let del = await arg(`Delete project dir: ${project}?`, ["yes", "no"])
if (del === "yes") {
fs.rmSync(path.resolve(projectDir, project), { recursive: true, force: true });
project.split(':').length > 1 ? await rm(path.resolve(project)) : await rm(path.resolve(projectDir, project))
let indexOfProject = projects.indexOf(project)
projects.splice(indexOfProject, 1)
await write()
onTab("New Project", async () => {
while (true) {
let project = await arg(
placeholder: "Create new project:", debounceInput: 400,
enter: "Create", validate: async (input) => {
const dir = path.resolve(projectDir, input)
const exists = await isDir(dir);
if (exists) {
return `${input} already exists`;
} else {
const { code, stderr, stdout } = mkdir(dir);
throw stderr;
const initorNot = await arg("Create git repo?", ["yes", "no"])
if (initorNot === "yes") {
execLog("git init");
edit('', dir)
return true;
mkdir(path.resolve(projectDir, project))
await write()
// Test gitpush
// Name: Obsidian Helper
// Author: Ambushfall
// Description: Usable script to easily add small additions to obsidian and allows preview and edit of markdown files directly.
// This is just for speed of use.
import '@johnlindquist/kit'
import { Choice } from '@johnlindquist/kit'
import { readFileSync } from 'fs'
import _ from 'lodash'
let { obsidiandir, write } = await db('obsidiandir')
let route =
obsidiandir.length > 0
? await arg(
placeholder: 'Select Obsidian vault',
shortcuts: [
name: 'Cancel',
key: 'escape',
bar: 'right',
onPress: () => mainScript(),
visible: true
onNoChoices: async input => {
`# Vault location not found <code>${input}</code>\n Type <kbd>enter</kbd> to create a new vault at this location: <code>${input}</code>`
onChoiceFocus: async (_, state) => {
const Files: string[] = await readdir(state.focused?.value)
const FilteredDir: string[] = Files.filter((file: string) =>
let html = `<h1>Note List:</h1><ul style="margin:20px; padding:10px;">\n`
FilteredDir.forEach(e => {
html += `<li>${e}</li>`
html += `</ul>`
}, string) => {
return {
type: 'text',
name: e.split('\\').at(-1),
value: e
: await path({
hint: 'Paste path to your obsidian vault!'
if (!obsidiandir.find((e: string) => e == route) || obsidiandir.length == 0) {
await write()
if (isDir(route)) {
const Files: string[] = await readdir(route)
const FilteredDir: string[] = Files.filter((file: string) =>
let { filename } = await arg(
placeholder: 'select File'
(): Choice[] => {
return string) => {
const str = readFileSync(path.join(route, file), 'utf-8')
// log(str)
return {
type: 'text',
name: file.replaceAll('.md', ''),
value: {
filename: file
preview: () => md(str)
* This is taken directly from the examples for editor functionality
let changed = false
let filePath = path.join(route, filename)
let autoSave = _.debounce(async input => {
await writeFile(filePath, input.trim())
}, 3000)
let value = await ensureReadFile(filePath)
let cmd = isWin ? 'ctrl' : 'cmd'
let content = await editor({
scrollTo: 'bottom',
shortcuts: [
name: 'Save',
key: `${cmd}+s`,
onPress: input => {
bar: 'right'
name: 'Open',
key: `${cmd}+o`,
onPress: async () => {
bar: 'right'
onEscape: async input => {
onAbandon: async input => {
onInput: async input => {
changed = true
let trimmed = content.trim()
if (changed) {
await writeFile(filePath, trimmed)
// Name: OCR
// Description: Capture a screenshot and recognize the text using tesseract.js
import "@johnlindquist/kit";
//both win and linux implementations were created by chatgpt (gpt4), without _any_ tests!! 😅
const captureScreenshot = async () => {
const tmpFile = kenvTmpPath(`screenshot-${}.png`);
const scriptFile = kenvTmpPath('script.ps1');
if (isMac) {
await exec(`screencapture -i ${tmpFile}`);
} else if (isWin) {
const psScript = `Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms;
Start-Sleep -m 500;
$clipboardData = Get-Clipboard -Format Image;
$clipboardData.Save('${tmpFile}', [System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Png);`;
// Save to file as powershell inline parsing is tricky, there are special rules to this and it's a pain.
// We already have write on disk, so there's really no point in encoding it as a string.
await writeFile(scriptFile, psScript.replace(/\n/g, ''))
// Execute saved file
await exec(`powershell -File "${scriptFile}"`);
} else if (isLinux) {
// Check if gnome-screenshot is available
try {
await exec('gnome-screenshot --version');
await exec(`gnome-screenshot -f ${tmpFile}`);
} catch (error) {
// If gnome-screenshot is not available, try using ImageMagick's 'import' command
await exec(`import ${tmpFile}`);
return tmpFile;
const recognizeText = async (filePath, language) => {
const { createWorker } = await npm("tesseract.js");
const worker = await createWorker();
await worker.loadLanguage(language);
await worker.initialize(language);
const { data } = await worker.recognize(filePath);
await worker.terminate();
return data.text;
const languages = [
{ name: "Spanish", value: "spa" },
{ name: "French", value: "fra" },
{ name: "Portuguese", value: "por" },
{ name: "English", value: "eng" },
//@todo train a model for typescript (
// if ctrl is pressed, show a modal to select a language
const selectedLanguage = flag.ctrl
? await arg("Select a language:", languages)
: "eng";
// Hide the Kit modal before capturing the screenshot
await hide();
const filePath = await captureScreenshot();
if (!await pathExists(filePath)) exit()
const text = await recognizeText(filePath, selectedLanguage);
if (text) {
await clipboard.writeText(text.trim());
await notify("Text recognized and copied to clipboard");
} else {
await notify("No text found in the screenshot");
// Clean up temporary file
await remove(filePath);
// Name: Run .bat/.ps1/.sh
// Description: Process Output to Kit via stream
import '@johnlindquist/kit'
// @ts-expect-error
import { backToMainShortcut, highlightJavaScript } from '@johnlindquist/kit'
// --- Create a shell script to run -----------------
// `tmpPath` will store the file here:
// ~/.kenv/tmp/process-shell-script-output/example.*
// Note: linux shell will only work with WSL or you can provide the Args for ps1 using the .sh extension if you have gitbash
const fileName = 'example'
const selectedLang = {
name: '',
args: '',
ext: '',
echo: '',
set setVal (keyValueList: string[]) {
this[keyValueList[0]] = keyValueList[1]
const objGen = (_lang: string, _ext: string, _args?: string) => {
_args = _args ? _args : ''
return {
name: _lang,
description: `Run Script using ${_lang}`,
value: _lang,
id: _ext,
arguments: _args,
preview: () => highlightJavaScript(tmpPath(`${fileName}.${_ext}`))
const LangOptions = [
'powershell -NoProfile -NonInteractive –ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File '
objGen('Batch', 'bat'),
objGen('Bash', 'sh')
const promptEditor = ['yes', 'no']
const selectedValue = await arg('Use editor?', promptEditor)
const useEditor = selectedValue === 'yes' ? true : false
// define select options
await arg(
placeholder: 'Select Scripting Language...',
enter: 'Select',
shortcuts: [backToMainShortcut],
onChoiceFocus: async (input, { focused }) => {
selectedLang.setVal = ['args', focused['arguments']]
selectedLang.setVal = ['ext',]
selectedLang.setVal = ['name',]
selectedLang.setVal = [
selectedLang.ext == 'bat' ? '@echo off' : ''
const shellScriptPath = kenvTmpPath(`${fileName}.${selectedLang.ext}`)
const editorConfig = {
hint: `Write code for ${selectedLang.ext} file.`,
description: 'Save to Run',
onInputSubmit: async (input: any) => {
selectedLang.ext == 'sh'
? await submit(`${input}
: await submit(input)
// Using ping to simulate waiting for a long process and because it's natively supported across PS and Bat files
// Note: If you use a code that would natively not run in bat like "ls" it will
let scriptContents = useEditor
? await editor(editorConfig)
: `${selectedLang.echo}
echo "hello"
echo "Done"
${selectedLang.ext == 'sh' ? 'exit' : ''}
await writeFile(shellScriptPath, scriptContents)
// Just a wrapper to highlight with code in PS style
const codeWrapper = (string: string, extension: any) => `
let output = ``
// This is used to avoid kit window closing on process exit
let divPromise = div()
const outHandler = async (out: string) => {
output += `${out}\n`
setDiv(await highlight(`${codeWrapper(output, selectedLang.ext)}`))
// Note: We have to use this janky way of executing PS as it would launch in Notepad or fail entirely.
const execArgs =
selectedLang.ext == 'sh'
? `cd ${tmpPath()} && bash ${fileName}.sh`
: `${selectedLang.args}${shellScriptPath}`
// inspect(execArgs)
let { stdout } = execLog(execArgs, outHandler)
await divPromise