Open finicky-default-browser in Script Kit

// Name: Finicky Switch Default Browser
// Description: Switches the default browser in Finicky config
// Author: Strajk
import '@johnlindquist/kit'
import fs from 'fs'
let finickyPath = home('.finicky.js')
// Check if Finicky config exists
if (!fs.existsSync(finickyPath)) {
await div({
html: `
<div class="p-4 bg-red-100 text-red-800">
<h3 class="font-bold">Finicky not installed</h3>
<p>Or at least, ~/.finicky.js was not found</p>
<p>Please install Finicky first: <code>brew install finicky</code></p>
// Resolve symlink if finickyPath is a symlink, e.g. /Users/strajk/.finicky.js -> /Users/strajk/Projects/setup/home/.finicky.js
finickyPath = fs.realpathSync(finickyPath)
// List of possible browsers to select from
const possibleBrowsers = [
'Google Chrome',
'Google Chrome Dev',
'Firefox Developer Edition',
'Microsoft Edge',
try {
// Read the content of the Finicky configuration file
const configContent = await readFile(finickyPath, 'utf8')
// Log number of lines in config file
const numLines = configContent.split('\n').length
console.log('===' + new Date().toISOString())
console.log(`Config file has ${numLines} lines`)
// Regular expression to find the default browser setting in the config
const defaultBrowserRegex = /defaultBrowser: "([^"]*?)".?/
const match = defaultBrowserRegex.exec(configContent)
const currentDefaultBrowser = match ? match[1] : null
if (!currentDefaultBrowser) {
console.log('No default browser found')
// Prompt the user to select a new default browser
const selectedBrowser = await arg({
placeholder: 'Select a default browser',
choices: possibleBrowsers,
hint: 'Current default browser: ' + currentDefaultBrowser,
// Create a new comment based on the previously selected browser
const newComment = currentDefaultBrowser ? ` Previously: ${currentDefaultBrowser}` : ''
// Replace the old default browser setting with the new one, including the updated comment
const newConfigContent = configContent.replace(
`defaultBrowser: "${selectedBrowser}", //${newComment}`
// Write the updated content back to the Finicky configuration file
await writeFile(finickyPath, newConfigContent)
// Display a notification to confirm the update
await notify({
title: 'Finicky Config Updated',
body: `Default browser set to ${selectedBrowser}`,
} catch (error) {
// Handle errors, such as the config file not existing
console.error(`Failed to update Finicky config: ${error}`)
await notify({
title: 'Finicky Config Update Failed',
body: `Error: ${error}`,