Open macos-night-shift in Script Kit
// Name: Night Shift// Description: Control Night Shift on macOS// Author: Pavel 'Strajk' Dolecek// Acknowledgements:// - - Notes:// nightlight CLI usage:// on/off: `nightlight on|off|toggle`, status will show current state// temp: `nightlight temp [0-100]`, no argument will show current temperature// schedule: `nightlight schedule [start|off|HH:MM HH:MM]`import "@johnlindquist/kit"import {Choice} from "@johnlindquist/kit";async function main() {await execa('which', ['nightlight']).catch(async () => {let choice = await arg({placeholder: `Nightlight CLI required, but not installed, install?`,choices: ['Yes', 'No']})if (choice !== 'Yes') {await notify(`OK, not installing Nightlight CLI & exiting`)exit() // exit whole script}console.log(`Installing Nightlight CLI... on Apple Silicon it might take a while because precompiled binaries are not available yet, see`)await terminal(`brew install smudge/smudge/nightlight`)await arg("Press enter when installing in terminal finishes...")console.clear() // Clear previous console.logreturn main()})let status = execaSync('nightlight', ['status']).stdoutlet temp = execaSync('nightlight', ['temp']).stdoutlet choices: Choice[] = [{name: 'Toggle',value: 'toggle'}, {name: 'Off',value: 'off'}, {name: 'On',value: 'on'}, {name: 'On & 25%',value: 'temp 25'}, {name: 'On & 50%',value: 'temp 50'}, {name: 'On & 75%',value: 'temp 75'}, {name: 'On & 100%',value: 'temp 100'}]let choice = await arg({placeholder: `Either select or type exact amount from 0 to 100`,hint: `Current status: ${uppercaseFirst(status)} • Current temperature: ${temp}`,choices,strict: false // allow arbitrary input})let args = choice.split(' ')let isArg0Number = !isNaN(parseInt(args[0]))if (isArg0Number) {args = ['temp', args[0]]}if (args[0] === 'temp') {// if setting temp, turn on firstawait execa('nightlight', ['on'])}await execa('nightlight', args).then(() => notify(`Nightlight set to: ${choice}`)).catch(() => notify(`Failed to set Nightlight to: ${choice}`))}void main()function uppercaseFirst(str: string) {return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)}