Open keyboard-maestro in Script Kit

// Name: Keyboard Maestro
// Description: Run or edit a Keyboard Maestro macro
// Author: Pavel 'Strajk' Dolecek
// Twitter: @straaajk
// Cache: true
import "@johnlindquist/kit"
import plist from 'plist'
import dedent from "dedent"
export type TMacro = Partial<{
name: string
uid: string
active: boolean
created: number
used: number
enabled: boolean
lastused: number
modified: number
saved: number
sort: string
triggers: Array<Partial<{ description: string, short: string, type: string }>>
export type TMacroGroup = Partial<{
uid: string
enabled: boolean
name: string
sort: string
macros: TMacro[]
let kmMacrosRaw = await applescript(dedent`
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
getmacros with asstring
end tell
let kmMacrosParsed = plist.parse(kmMacrosRaw) as TMacroGroup[]
const choices = kmMacrosParsed.flatMap(group => => ({
name: `${} - ${}`,
value: macro.uid
let chosen = await arg({
placeholder: "Choose a macro",
choices: choices,
actions: [
shortcut: `${cmd}+e`,
name: "Edit Macro",
visible: true,
flag: "edit"
if (flag.edit) { // Note that flag is a global
await applescript(dedent`
tell application "Keyboard
editMacro "${chosen}"
end tell
} else {
await applescript(dedent`
tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
do script "${chosen}"
end tell